Sabine Lindner
Stage Design ǀ Costume Design

For over 25 years, I have been working successfully as a stage and costume designer in musical theatre, ballet, opera, comedy and drama. One thing all these forms have in common is the need for a creative realisation of the story; the desire to take each and every member of the audience on their own personal and unexpected journey.
Creative and professional
It is my policy to work in close cooperation with directors, from concept to production, including even the finer details, to ensure the production is well-planned and goes as smoothly as possible. I place considerable importance on effective professional relationships and close teamwork.
For workshops and individual departments, I create precise drawings and plans, along with perfectly scaled model boxes, showing an accurate representation of the sets and costumes, detailing materials, special effects and colours. My experience and knowledge mean that I can work and take responsibility in a variety of settings providing relevant expertise on and offsite, whilst budget management is high on my list of priorities.
International experience
I have found influences and inspiration from related fields of work extremely beneficial for my work in the theatre. I not only consolidated my language skills during a two-year stay in the UK, but also developed my cultural awareness in an international environment. This has been particularly useful whilst working as a project manager at Berlin Opera Academy, on an opera programme involving international performers and musicians and, in the events sector, focusing on a major company event in Barcelona.
A profile with breadth and depth
Further studies in event management, incorporating topics including event conception, business and economic studies, production management, fundraising/sponsoring for art and culture, have again provided me with additional insights and stimuli to ensure I have a profile that has both breadth and depth.
Should I be able to help you with a forthcoming project, please get in touch.
A detailed CV and references are available on request.